PT Personal Trainers

How to start running: 11 things you need to know

Running is a great exercise with many benefits including weight loss, strengthening of the cardiovascular system and increased happiness, relieving stress. Start running with these simple tips, and it will make your run from minutes to hours.

Set realistic goals
As a beginner, you should first jot down some short-term goals that you can easily achieve. They will be as simple as "I'm going to run for five more minutes today." Begin your exercise on these small steps first to get a sense of accomplishment before setting long-term goals. Later, your physical level progresses and, challenge yourself, make long-term goals.

Choose the right footwear
For a sport that depends on healthy feet, a running shoe is the most important gear you will need. Deciding which footwear is right for you may seem difficult, but consult with professionals who can recommend you the best footwear for this practice.

Suitable running apparel
Invest in jogging suits made from 100% polyester or similar synthetic materials that soak up sweat and make you more comfortable. Women should always wear a sports bra.

Fill your body
Running will help you burn 400 calories or more per hour. But to get or keep a fit body, you need to replace them with healthy foods. Your pre-race snack should be a sugar booster, like a banana, energy bar or energy drink. Running on an empty stomach is not good for your body.

Hydrate before you run
Staying hydrated is critical to your running performance and, more importantly, to preventing heat-related illnesses. Drink water often during the day. Dehydration in the aisles can cause fatigue, headaches, decreased coordination and muscle cramps.

Stretch yourself before and after your run
Some research suggests that static stretching of cold muscles can cause injury. Warm cold muscles with slight stretching of your quadriceps, hamstrings to prevent shin splints, hamstring jerks and other common running injuries. Hold each stretch for 15 to 25 seconds.

Start with a slow pace
Although you may feel that you can walk a good distance relatively quickly, start with 20 to 30 minutes. Do not exaggerate. Give your body a chance to adapt to this new activity. Gradually increase the distance with a walking and jogging plan until your resistance improves. When you start to feel stronger, run more, and walk less, the distance will naturally increase. This will help you feel better and stay injury-free.

Think about your form
When starting out, it is normal to feel strange during the first few weeks of racing, even if it has run in the past and is starting over. Ensure that:

- The head is balanced on the shoulders and focused forward
- Relaxed shoulders to allow your lungs to expand
- The arms are around 90 degrees and swinging like a pendulum from your shoulders
- The hands are relaxed and do not cross the navel while the arms swing
- The hips are under your shoulders and stabilize your legs as they move under your body
- Feet land with short, light, fast steps under your hips

Decide where to run
If you choose to run on a machine, the surface is stable and there are no worries about the weather. But like many runners, you can run on the street. Running on sidewalks or paths is usually safe. But if you have to run on the road, run headlong into traffic so you can see and be seen by the drivers. Wear bright or reflective clothing to improve visibility, especially before dawn or dusk.

Track your progress
When you feel stronger, start measuring your race for time and distance. There are easy-to-use applications that measure time, distance traveled and calories burned. Keeping track of your race will help keep you motivated and see your progression.

Take a rest
Rest is necessary for the muscles to recover and become stronger. Depending on your level of fitness, beginner runners should start resting every two days.

Try this exercise if it ever happened. Take our tips with you and become an experienced runner in no time.

Need more tips? Contact us!

Text from Personal Trainers