7 Important Tips to Stay Hydrated
Water is life. About 98% of our planet is covered with water and we are 70% water. Sometimes we forget to drink enough water and put ourselves in situations that could have been avoided. In this article we give 7 important tips by which to stay hydrated.
Release toxins
Make it a habit - Drink a glass of water after waking up every morning. Water helps eliminate unwanted toxins and bacteria from the bladder and kidney. Several diseases like urinary tract infections can be caused due to the consumption of less water. So keeping yourself hydrated will keep your organs healthy and eliminate body waste.
Gives you healthy, shiny skin
Once we reach puberty, acne and other complications can become a daily struggle. Drinking water helps. Hydration eliminates unwanted particles to give you healthy, shiny skin. Water also slows down the aging process to keep you younger in the long run.
Keeps your body fresh
Keeping yourself hydrated, especially in the summer, is a must. Dehydration causes all kinds of health problems. The natural way to release heat from the body is by expanding the vessels. Being dehydrated, a higher temperature is needed to expand the vessels, making them feel warmer. Keeping yourself hydrated will keep you cool inside and out.
Keeps your weight under control
There are two ways in which water keeps your weight under control. First, when the body's cells need water, the brain sends a signal to get more and begins to eat instead of quenching thirst. Second, if you drink water before meals, you will feel fuller at the time of your meal, and consequently you will eat less.
Your muscles and joints work better
The water ensures the proper functioning of the muscles and lubricates the joints.
Reduces high blood pressure
As we know, our body is made up of 70% water. When it is hydrated, the blood contains 92% water, which means the blood "runs" easily. Water prevents cardiovascular disease and keeps your blood pressure under control.
Reduces Digestive Disorders
The water keeps your stomach happy. Staying hydrated eliminates toxins and reduces the chances of stomach ulcers, gas and acid.
If you suffer from dry mouth, urine darker than usual, fatigue, dizziness and little or no urine, then you are suffering from dehydration. Contact us and stay healthy throughout the year.
Text from Personal Trainers