PT Personal Trainers


Dizziness is the term we give to the feeling of weakness or fainting, imbalance and even dizziness in case one feels the environment where one is moving.
In physical exercise we should take into account this situation, not only because of the impediment of good performance but also the risk of falls and accidents, especially if the person already has a tendency to feel dizzy.

There are several factors that can trigger dizziness:

- Hypoglycaemia (lowering blood sugar)
Some people after a prolonged period of fasting while exercising a medium or high intensity exercise may show signs of hypoglycaemia, which only improves after eating.

- Hypotension (lowering blood pressure)
Causes such as intense heat, sudden change of position or even people who for clinical reasons are taking medication for tension may develop this symptom.

- Dehydration
Proper intake of fluids before, during and after exercise is essential, given that through sweat we will lose body water. Hydration is also essential for muscle growth and recovery as well as weight loss itself.

- Inadequate breathing
Any physical activity requires a greater supply of oxygen from our body and wrong breathing shortens the time of physical endurance, increasing the effort required to practice sports.

- Other clinical problems
Such as heart problems, in which each person should be properly evaluated by a doctor before practicing sports.


In case of dizziness we should take the following precautions, immediately stop the physical exercise, look for an airy place and rest, trying to identify the cause of the dizziness. Breathe calmly.
If hypotension, place your head between your legs or lie down with your legs raised. If you need to, drink water or an isotonic drink. If you are fasting eat some food. If you are diabetic you may also have hypoglycaemia.
Seek medical attention if dizziness does not subside or is associated with other symptoms, such as chest pain, heart palpitations, difficulty moving an arm or leg, blurred vision, or impaired speech.