PT Personal Trainers


In this article I will explain what Control Motor is, an area of ​​fundamental Science in Training processes. According to Latash (2012) Motor Control is the Science area that explores the natural laws that define how the Nervous System interacts with other parts of the body and surroundings to produce coordinated and purposeful movements.
Ricky Martinez (2016), refers that Motor Control basically tries to answer this question:
“How does the Central Nervous System regulate the tension in each and every one of our muscle fibers in order to provide mobility and stability to all the joints in the human body?”
In David Rosenbaum's book (Human motor control, 1991) he explains that Motor Control is the process by which humans and animals use their brain to activate and coordinate the muscles and limbs involved in the performance of a motor skill. Fundamentally, it is the integration of sensory information, both about the world and about the current state of the body, to determine the appropriate set of muscle forces and joint activations to generate some desired movement or action. This process requires cooperative interaction between the central nervous system and the musculoskeletal system and is therefore a problem of information processing, coordination, mechanics, physics and cognition. Control Motor's success is crucial for interacting with the world, not only determining action capabilities, but also regulating balance and stability.
Daniel Wolpert, one of the greatest researchers in Motor Control, states that the Brain's raison d'être is not to think or feel, but to control MOVEMENT and all other functions are to serve that movement. We need to move to relate to our surroundings, to be able to nourish ourselves and to reproduce.
Therefore, if the brain's main reason for being is Movement, without a doubt, the Importance that we Physical Exercise Professionals can have in people's lives is of great importance, so if you want to improve your Movement, look for a professional who masters Control Motor, and we at PersonalTrainers have these professionals.
Cláudio Costa – Porto Team