PT Personal Trainers


When we talk about water sports we usually think about swimming. However, there are more options and water aerobics is one of them.

Water aerobics, as the name implies, is a physical activity done in water. It consists of performing aerobic movements, which exercise multiple muscles simultaneously. Although there is a stigma about the sport being only for the elderly, the truth is that you can lose weight with water aerobics, tone your body, recover from an injury and even alleviate pain.

One of the main points in favor of water aerobics is the fun factor. For those people who find it difficult to include physical activity in their routine because they find it boring, water aerobics can be a good option to consider. With proven health benefits, this modality helps to combat stress, improve mood and relax the body.

Water aerobics is especially recommended for people of an older age, with back problems, with an injury or for pregnant women. However, this does not mean that its practice is not beneficial to anyone. In fact, normally, any physical exercise has an associated risk of injury, due to the impact on the joints of certain movements such as running or jumping. As water aerobics is in water, this risk decreases exponentially. The movements put less strain on the muscles due to the 1/6th decrease in body weight thanks to the density of the water, making the sport attractive for any age.

However, don't think that because it costs less, theoretically, it doesn't mean your muscles aren't working. Quite the opposite. As the resistance of water is greater than that of air, the muscles work harder. Depending on the water level, the difficulty level of the class increases.

According to our research, water aerobics sessions last approximately one hour and can burn an average of 400 to 600 calories. If combined with a balanced diet and a caloric deficit, water aerobics will help you lose weight, if that is your goal. If not, you will realize that the modality is great for socializing, considering that it is done in group classes, with lively music and an instructor full of energy.

As far as the necessary material is concerned, water aerobics is very similar to swimming. You'll need a bathing suit, flip-flops, a cap to protect your hair from the chlorine, and glasses, in case the occasional water in your eyes bothers you. It is true that you will never be underwater, but as there is a lot of movement, there can be splashes. In the class itself, you may have to use accessories such as dumbbells and floats, but this is usually provided by the pool staff. If you can't swim, don't worry. Classes are always held at a depth where you can stand, and it is not mandatory to know how to swim.

In addition to all the benefits we have already mentioned, there are still some that are worth mentioning. Water aerobics helps to improve blood circulation thanks to increased muscle contraction combined with aerobic activity, which in turn stimulates cardiac activity. Likewise, as it is a cardio activity, it improves breathing. By being in the water, in a relaxed and safe environment, reminding our body of the moment it was inside the mother's body, lung function is favored, allowing for easier expansion and retraction.

Likewise, water aerobics favors the absorption of calcium by the bones, improves flexibility and motor coordination. It is for this reason that the modality is often recommended for people with back problems. However, there are always details to keep in mind if we want to get the best out of this sport. It is advisable to keep the abdomen contracted and the spine neutral in an upright posture during classes. It is also ideal to eat an hour before entering the water so that you do not go on an empty stomach or a full stomach. As in any sport, you must increase the pace according to your abilities. Do it at your own speed and don't worry about what others are doing.

Water aerobics was invented in Greece by Herodotus, a physician who studied the health benefits of water. Many countries used and still use the modality as therapy and, currently, it is seen as an opportunity to make moves that you could not do otherwise. Find out where you have classes near you and try your hand at this sport.