PT Personal Trainers


Vacation should not mean stopping physical activity!
Taking advantage of vacations to relax and break the routine should not mean putting your health on standby.

Even if you don't maintain your normal training routine you should still be active, even if less frequently and with less intensity, in order to maintain the gains made to date and later facilitate the return to normality.

You can take advantage of this season to train at different times than usual, attend those classes you've always wanted to try but usually don't have the time to do, go for bike rides, walk on the beach, etc.

If you want to make sure that you don't miss your workouts and that you maintain some rigor, our advice is to do your workout first thing in the morning so that you have the whole day ahead of you and can make the most of it without having to worry about it!

Exercising during the vacations will also help maintain your weight because it is normal during this period to have an increase in calorie intake.

Are we going to stay active during this vacation?



Happy vacations and good workouts!