PT Personal Trainers

Training with free weights or machines?

When you first arrive at a gym, you find a variety of machines and free weights - barbells and barbells primarily. Both have benefits and drawbacks, depending on your goal and training experience some exercises may be more efficient with machines, free weights or the set of the two.

The benefit of a gym training machine is that it will allow your focus to be on the effort produced rather than mechanics of movement. For the machine is fixed by an axis and can only move it in the plane that is determined. For example on a chest machine where the movement is to push forward, the movement will only be this whether you force it up or down while pushing, the machine will only move in one direction. If you do not have enough body awareness or if you want a specific job on that plane for that muscle with heavier loads machines are a good option.

With the free weights the benefits are to be able to move in three dimensions - sagittal, horizontal and transverse. Which is quite important since this is how your body moves daily. When using free weights body awareness is essential because it will involve stabilizing muscles to achieve weight lifting in the intended exercise. With this type of training the muscular gains turn out to be better because it will involve the whole body during the training.

The disadvantages are that in machines, as movement is isolated, the probability of an injury occurring to perform a movement with a different angle and joint amplitude is greater due to lack of work of the stabilizing muscles and training in the other planes. With the free weights the risk of injury is poor performance of the exercise, an incorrect posture for long periods of time is halfway to an injury.

So if you are thinking about starting to train in a gym it is important to talk to the instructor or personal trainer to know what type of training for you, even if you have experience the professionals are there to help you and if you have doubts in the postures do not hesitate In asking.

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