We have a team of Personal Trainers with specific formation in training and health. We ensure all our focus and dedication to your specific goals.
Cláudio Mocho
Founder | CEO | Senior Personal Trainer
Mestrado em Educação Física e Desporto
Pós-graduação em Treino Funcional
Certificação Internacional de Club Manager
Personal Trainer Graduado
Especialista em Treino Funcional Integrado
Preparador Físico no Golf - Holmes Place Training Academy
Formação Socorrismo - Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa
"Choose the accompaniment of a competent and dedicated professional, in search of your goals, providing you health and well-being!"
Margarida Silvestre
Personal Trainer & Group Trainer
Instrutora de HIIT
Instrutora de Pilates
"Don't put off until tomorrow the workouts you can do today. With the help of a professional who can design personalized exercises, you can improve your quality of life, feel healthy and have more energy!"
Afonso Geraldes
Personal Trainer & Group Trainer
Instrutor Indoor Cycle
"Enjoy specific and specialized training programed specifically for you, which will help you achieve your goals intuitively. With Personal Trainers nothing is impossible!"
Renato Machado
Personal Trainer & Group Trainer
Instrutor de Indoor Cycle
Instrutor de Pilates
"Today's effort is the reward on tomorrow. Fight for your goals, choose the personalized training according to what you need, you'll see that it's easier than it looks, you just have to believe in yourself!"