Benefits of exercise in hypertension
When we exercise, there is vasodilation of our arteries, due to a greater need for oxygen in the tissues, which leads to increased blood flow through one of the main vasodilators: nitric oxide. This responds to an increase in shear stress that is exerted by the passage of blood flow in the artery walls. During exercise, there is an increase in shear stress and nitric oxide, with dilation of the arteries.
In the short / medium term, a sedentary person, when exercising, increases nitric oxide levels and vasodilation occurs, but the body does not want to be subjected to an uncomfortable stimulation.
In the long term, there are structural adaptations, such as the increase of the lumen of the arteries and the decrease of the middle and intimal layers, which consequently results in greater blood flow.
After exercise there are reductions of between 5 and 10% in systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure.
The recommendations for individuals with hypertension make it clear that aerobic exercise should be of moderate intensity, between 30 and 60 minutes, preferably performed every day. Strength training should be performed 2 to 3 times a week, at least one set of 8 to 12 repetitions for each of the major muscle groups worked.
Special considerations in training with hypertensive members:
- During exercise it is prudent to keep systolic blood pressure below 220 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure below 105 mmHg;
- Beta blockers may increase predisposition to hypoglycaemia;
Antihypertensive drugs may lead to sudden reductions in blood pressure after exercise.
- Avoid waltz maneuver and isometric exercises.
Text by Ana Rita Cativo