How old is your body?
Recent research has shown that parts of our body have different rates of aging. The good news is: exercise can slow this process down.
Surely you've heard that marathoners have young hearts (low heart beats) and that experienced yoga practitioners have their backs, decades "newer" than the rest of their body. But is there any truth to this? Perhaps!
According to a recent UCLA study different tissues and organs age at different rates. For example, it was seen that healthy breast tissue would be older about 2 to 3 years than the rest of the woman's body while the heart tissue seemed to be about 9 years younger than the rest of the body.
Although the exact cause of these variations is still unknown (contained in our DNA), science has already found a way to help us keep our bodies longer, youthful, healthier and vibrant.
The Director and Ph.D. of Brigham's Physiology and Exercise Laboratory, Thomas Storer, claims that we have a genetic determinism, but yet what we do throughout our lives can modify this determinism.
Know what can transform and slow down the aging of different parts of our body.
Heart and Lungs: A Jounal of Applied Physiology research says that elite athletes who continued to train throughout their aging have a decline in cardiovascular fitness reduced by less than half compared to sedentary people.
Another study published in The Jounal of Circulation showed that by applying resistance training for 6 months in men aged 50 years, all the decline in cardiovascular power related to their age was reversed. That is, the human being was made to move and to be active is fundamental, to keep all our systems working properly, nevertheless, it is necessary to have precautions because it is very important to give time to our body and not skip steps, so To promote good adaptations to lifestyle changes.
With a qualified Personal Trainer you do not need to worry, we organize the training process for you and for you, in order to dosage Exercise and Rest.
Muscles: According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), from the age of 40 our muscular performance declines at a rate of 5% per decade and the process accelerates rapidly from 65 to 70 years. But there is good news, a research from The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, has shown that there are ways to slow down and reduce muscle decline, one of them and successfully demonstrated is to follow a structured program of cardiovascular exercise and strength, Beginning at very advanced ages.
Look to our team for the safety and motivation you need to get started, and we'll be on your side in every challenge you want to overcome.
Joints: If you are not smart with your biomechanics, and if you continue to use compensatory or improper movement patterns, you will most likely pay for the consequences in the future. If you have your knees in when you run, are in a bad posture sitting or standing, when you ride a bicycle, or do exercises in the wrong way in the gym, there will be a continuous degradation on your body that will result in a first phase of pain, Arthritis, and as a consequence will age your joints faster.
However if you turn to a Personal Trainer you will receive appropriate training, with supervision for technical corrections, but we will not stop here, as when you learned to do the math and to read, we will teach you to know your body as you have never known it, and you will see changes in the Their daily posture, and the back pains ended at the end of the day.
Chest: This is especially for ladies. The sagging of the female breast over the years is undeniable, but it is possible to have some extremely useful care, for example in high-impact activities (races), to reduce chest movement as much as possible, with adequate supports, and Bodybuilding training is helpful in increasing muscle tone while avoiding sagging.
Cells: Each chromosome of our body is "plugged" with telomeres, this makes cell divisions possible, but each time a cell divides the telomeres get shorter, when they become too short the cell dies. That said, researchers often use the length of telomeres to assess biological aging. A German study compared the length of telomeres in middle-aged long-distance runners with that of sedentary people of the same age, the study showed that the telomeres loss of the runners had a reduction of about 75% less, which means That their cells were younger than those of sedentary people. Is case to say literally - long life to marathon runners.
Take care of your health instead of worrying about the disease, you can be the "young" 60/70/80/90 years who climbs the stairs to run and does not get tired, you can change your body, we show you The way to never doubt its potential.
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Miguel Paiva text adapted from Emery L.