Strength training in run preparation: science or myth
In recent years we have been witnessing an increase in the number of runners, who on a regular basis use it to improve their body or as physical activity of choice. Interestingly the race is fashionable, however, these racing enthusiasts do not question whether their body structure is predisposed and optimized for this complex motor action.
The question arises: Is our body (neuro-muscular-joint structure) ready?
Among sports professionals it is agreed that the run has technical requirements that only come to fruition with training, and that it is of the utmost importance a structure with capacity to absorb the impacts produced by each step, in order to avoid injuries and pains.
In this article Personal Trainers will clarify the importance of strength training in the optimization of the run and in the preparation of the neuro-muscular-articular structure.
Running is physical happening, it involves the management of external forces entering the body and the management that the muscles make when contracting in order to tolerate the impact forces induced in each step.
Therefore, training to run involves training the body, that is, optimizing the muscles in order to tolerate this set of forces.
There are certain myths that are still present that lead the rider to neglect strength training:
1. Training strength shortens the muscle and slows the practitioner, therefore reduces performance;
2.Treining force takes time to the specific practice of running so it is not decisive;
3. Strength training induces hypertrophy, therefore antagonistic to the morphotype of the runner.
These statements do not have scientific rigor, and promote habits promoting injury. In counterpoint stimulation / optimization of muscle contraction (strength training) is assumed with fundamental scientific rigor to:
1. It allows voluntary muscle contraction to become conscious which optimizes the stroke, muscle-joint stability and mobility.
2. Progression within strength training induces local metabolic and structural changes that evolve to systemic improvements, namely on the cardiovascular system.
3. Strength training adapted to the biological individuality and specificity of the run does not cause "shortening" of the tissues, on the contrary, it allows for more prepared structures at different joint angles.
4. Strength training does not slow the practitioner. Speed depends on genetic, mechanical and specific skill factors.
5. Muscle strength is common to any healthy tissue and one of the coadjuvants to muscle hypertrophy by the stimulation of protein synthesis pathways. Therefore, if healthier means better contractility, and better contraction more strength, and if running requires muscle strength and contraction it should be understood that improving strength can never be detrimental to run performance.
Conclusion, the act of running is therefore a set of forces: external forces brought about by impact and internal forces. There is a need for control and management by the neuromuscular system to control and stabilize the joints, so that it is possible to effectively train in a fundamental way.
I want a specific workout to run better
In a Personal Trainers assisted spatial tracking, a physical assessment will be done that will identify your run pattern to be optimized. Let us help you with a training plan of you, and adapted to your biological individuality, you will see your entire training process organized to train meaningfully and achieve performance results.
Start today the run that will change your life forever!
Miguel Paiva text