PT Personal Trainers

The Benefits of Physical Activity in Winter

Many questions arise about the best time to practice physical exercise. In the summer season, and consequent good weather, there is a greater predisposition of each individual to perform outdoor activities and the desire to be in shape.

However, the practice of physical activity should be continuous and the time of year should not be an obstacle. In winter, just like in summer, temperature influences the performance of training, be it weight loss and gain of muscle mass.

Discover the greatest benefits of exercising in winter! Check your rating now!

Higher calorie expenditure

The metabolic changes caused by lower temperatures potentiate the effect of physical activity on the body and so the amount of calories you will spend will be greater. Exercising at lower temperatures allows your body to burn up to 30% more calories than in the summer, and so keep warm and increase the sensation of heat.

Increases overall well-being

It has been scientifically proven that exercise improves moodiness, ideal for the gray winter days. In addition to increasing the concentration of endorphin, the substance that contributes to the well-being of the body and to combat depression. Only a regular workout can bring your best benefits, since this substance is released after 24 hours of training.

Prevents joint pain

With the practice of regular physical exercise during this season contributes to the strengthening of muscles and the consequent decrease of pain in the joints.

Increased immunity

And to maintain the body's protection against the colds and colds so typical of this time, just follow a healthy routine of eating and physical activity. Regular exercise increases the body's immunity.

Abandoning workouts in the winter season is a mistake that can have consequences for our body's health. Come train with Personal Trainers!

João Matos text