10 tips to achieve your personal goals
You can try your hardest and run after or simply find an excuse. Personal Trainers believes that the driving force that will make you change is inside you. Our customers have our help, but we are just organizing and guiding your personal determination to success. We use what is within you to exceed limits and quickly the limits are only a reminder of the past.
I want to change and achieve my goals
We know that these articles come out in January, where people promise to change and have new goals, but we also know that change happens when the need overcomes all psychological barriers. In this article we invite you to overcome these limits.
What do you want: To train more often? Stop smoking? To definitely tone your body? Lose weight? Increase Muscle Mass? A career promotion? Be applauded for good performances? Play and follow your child without getting tired? To improve sports or daily life performance? Each of us every day struggles to achieve their goals and feel good about themselves. The path is hard but does not need to be done by yourself.
Whatever your goal is, you can walk in the right direction and in stride. Come on, we show you 10 Tips:
1. Set your personal goal
Defining concretely your goal helps you to avoid dispersion. But remember it is important to set realistic and achievable goals. Small victories every day bring us closer to the final victory.
2. Make a plan to reach your goal
The next step is to establish a strategy. Be thorough, all the details are relevant. Remember that your path can and should be done with the help of experts, whose promote positive habits to achieve your goal.
3. Write ... no matter where, just write
Annotate what you have already done, where you are or want to go is fundamental. It allows you to have the process organized step by step, not getting lost. Write also your purpose on a paper, on your mobile phone, on the wall of your room or refrigerator. In that way you will never forget your purpose.
4. Remember the reasons and needs that led you to follow this plan
There will be times when you lack motivation or feel fatigue. Moments when you feel you are not moving forward. It is at that time that you must remember the reasons that led you to start the change. Remember how important is to achieve the goal.
5. Evaluate your progress
With the help of qualified professionals it is possible to gauge your progress, measure and be critical. This can be only achieve with numbers. In this way, you will know if you are going in the right way or if you need adjustments.
6. Appreciate the small daily victories and register them as well
The path may not be short, but it can be filled with positivism and personal appreciation. So register and celebrate, for example: the 30 days that have passed without smoking, the whole week training every day, 6 weeks not eating candies, the training session in which you made elevations for the first time, the first time running 20Km in a row, a promotion in the job, a full day without using an elevator and without getting tired, the first time colleagues at work asked you what was you doing to be thinner. etc.
7. Be consistent with the rest hours
Wake up at the same hour every day and try to get enough sleep to start the day with energy and good humor! A good rest will affect your daily performance, work, family, sports, feelings etc. Moreover, rest will give you the vitality you need to keep fighting in the direction of success.
8. Think about how you celebrate when you reach your goal
Why not reward your effort? Think and imagine what you will do when you reach your goal: a trip with your friends, a family meal, a romantic dinner with your partner, a parachute jump, or a new challenge!
9. Realize that you should train new habits
Experts say it takes 21 days to change a habit. So apply these tips to your day to day, and be consistent for 21 days, this will help you to reach your goals and change your behavior forever.
10. Enjoy and learn to like the process so it will never be an obligation
You do not need to make sacrifices, enjoy the simple things of life and you will see that they are the ones that will know you better. With a good organization you will have more time for yourself, relax and play activities in the company of those you love. In Personal Trainers we are more than a team of PTs, we also organize your leisure, with canoeing, stand up Paddle, hiking, nature races, orienteering, we have partnerships with SPAs and beauty institutes, hairdressers etc.
What do I have to do to get results
Enjoy your life and take care of your body, both are unique. Follow these tips we offer you, say hello to your new self and be our next success case. We can help you in all the process, know how!